Do I Really Need An AC Maintenance Inspection?

Summer is quickly approaching. On the most scorching of days, the last thing you’ll want to worry about is your HVAC system breaking down. That’s why you should schedule an inspection and tune-up for your air conditioner as part of your spring cleaning. You might not want to spend the money now, but a costly repair far outweighs the financial burden of an inspection.
At Williams Mechanical, we know you don’t want to deal with a broken air conditioner. That’s why we offer thorough inspections here in Albuquerque, NM, and its surrounding areas. This way, we can catch problems long before they become serious. Our tune-ups will leave your conditioner in prime condition, ready to take on the summer.
Here’s some of the the things we do during a tune-up:
Clearing out the Cobwebs
Your air conditioner probably hasn’t been in heavy usage, if at all, over the winter. A number of issues could have arisen during that time. If you haven’t cleaned or replaced your air filter in a while, dust can collect throughout your HVAC unit. This causes impaired function and compromised air quality. Our trusted mechanics will replace your air filter and clean any dust buildup in your system.
Mold Removal
Any moisture leakage can cause mildew and mold to grow in your ductwork. Our technicians will ensure the ducts and other components are grime-free. You won’t have to risk exposure to harmful contaminants, and your indoor air quality (IAQ) will be significantly improved.
Part Replacement
A problem that can easily go unnoticed is broken parts inside the system. These hidden culprits can cause reduced efficiency and even breakages. For example, the aluminum fins that cycle air can become bent, requiring the machine to work overtime to lower the temperature. Our skilled technicians will look very carefully for any faulty parts and replace them to prevent any future problems.
Fixing Leaky Refrigerant
Your refrigerant container could have sprung a leak over the winter. If this is the case, your unit could have all sorts of problems. This might cause the unit to short cycle or become inoperable. Our technicians will be sure to check for any leaky refrigerant. If we find a leak, we’ll fix it, and replace the container.
Sealing Ductwork
If any of the ducts aren’t properly sealed, you’re letting your money slip through the cracks. That’s why our technicians always check for any blockages or holes in the ductwork. That way, you’ll get the most out of your monthly electric bill.
Remember, HVAC systems use the most energy out of nearly any household appliance. Why pay more per month than you already need to? Why pay more for a system that isn’t working as well as it should? And why pay an arm and a leg for costly repairs? You shouldn’t have to do any of that. Instead, call Williams Mechanical at 505-975-2550, or schedule your maintenance visit online today.