Three Reasons to Consider a Geothermal Heat Pump

Geothermal heat pumps have been in use since the 1940s and heat and cool homes wonderfully. They use the constant temperature of the earth for their heat medium instead of the outside air temperature. In Albuquerque, NM area, there are many options specific for this climate and terrain. Different models offer many possibilities for more comfort and energy savings. Call a certified technician at Williams Mechanical about the different options.
If you’re in the market for a new HVAC system, and you’ve never considered a Geothermal heat pump, you need to throw the geothermal-heat option into the proverbial arena. Here are narrowed-down three reasons to take a second (or first) look at Geothermal heat pumps:
Lower Utility and Maintenance Bills
The savings on both your utility and heating-and-cooling-maintenance bills are considerable with a geothermal system. This more than compensates for the higher-than-an-air-source-system installation price, due to the buried-loop system. Even though the installation price of a geothermal system can be several times that of an air-source system of the same heating and cooling capacity, the additional costs are returned to you in energy savings in five to ten years.
A Geothermal heat pump will immediately save you 30 to 60 percent on your heating costs and 20 to 50 percent on your cooling over conventional heating systems. Much of this is due to the clean, renewable energy, i.e., the sun, it uses, as well as the small amount of electricity transferring the heat to your house from the ground. A typical 2000-square-foot home can be heated and cooled for as little as $1 total a day. Quite a savings.
As far as costs for maintaining this system, these too are very reduced. A Geothermal heat pump life is much longer than those of conventional systems. With this long life comes little maintenance. The outside components are buried, not exposed to the elements, and it has few moving parts. Much less to break or replace.
System Life Span
The life span of a Geothermal heat pump well outdistances that of more conventional heating-and-cooling systems. The indoor components typically last about 25 years (compared with 15 years or less for a furnace or AC unit) and more than 50 years for the ground loop (outside). Chances of you having to replace a Geothermal heat pump are minute, unless you plan on living in your home for the majority of your life. Scientists’ research shows that these systems can last even as long as 100 years. Ask one of the technicians at Williams Mechanical which one of the closed-loop systems would work best for your home.
Environmentally Friendly
As mentioned above, a geothermal heat pump uses clean, renewable energy (the sun). This means there’s no onsite combustion resulting in no emissions of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or other
greenhouse gases. This translates to no combustion-related-safety or air-quality issues inside the house. The pump unit does use electricity, which may be generated using fossil fuels.
Since there is no combustion in these systems, they curb the discharge of conservatory gasses, making them environment friendly. According to the Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium, putting a geoexchange system in a typical home is the equivalent, in greenhouse gas reduction, to planting one acre of trees. Now that’s bragging rights.
These are just three of the many reasons to consider a geothermal heat pump for your next heating and cooling system. Call Williams Mechanical to discuss this system in more depth and how it will work for your home.