Furnace Articles

Why Is the Furnace Pilot Light Going Out?

November 30, 2024
Why Is the Furnace Pilot Light Going Out? Gas burner flame abstraction long exposure.

This issue happens more often than not with older furnaces, and it could be a sign you are ready to upgrade your Rio Rancho home’s heating and cooling system with a new model. At the 10-year mark, furnaces start to lose efficiency and begin breaking down more frequently.

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What Is a Dual Fuel Heating System?

February 29, 2024
What Is a Dual Fuel Heating System? Women looking at device with serious expression.

So, you’re thinking about upgrading your New Mexico heating and cooling system. Have you ever heard of dual fuel? 

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How to Spot a Cracked Heat Exchanger

February 15, 2024
How to Spot a Cracked Heat Exchanger. Man coughs in his elbow while sitting on sofa at home.

At Williams Mechanical, we take the safety of our customers in New Mexico seriously. That’s why we want you to know how to spot a cracked heat exchanger.

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How Does My Gas Furnace Work?

January 15, 2024
The model of the house stands near the flame of a gas boiler. The cost of heating real estate.

Our team at Williams Mechanical could help you save big bucks on your monthly utility bill by performing a furnace replacement.

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How to Spot a Cracked Heat Exchanger

December 29, 2023
How to Spot a Cracked Heat Exchanger. Man coughs in his elbow while sitting on sofa at home.

At Williams Mechanical, we take the safety of our customers in New Mexico very seriously. That’s why we want you to know how to spot a cracked heat exchanger.

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Furnace Flue Tips

November 30, 2023
Furnace Flue Tips - Yellow Hardhat Situated on Ducts.

Even though our Williams Mechanical heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) experts are always here for you, as a Corrales homeowner, you should know at least a little something about your heating and cooling system. Knowledge is power after all.

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What Are the Different Types of Furnaces?

November 15, 2023
What Are the Different Types of Furnaces? - A lovely couple sitting on the sofa and playing with their dog. Everybody is smiling.

This winter, you’re hoping to have a brand new furnace to keep you warm. But there are so many furnaces to choose from.

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How Can I Lower My Heating Bill This Winter?

September 15, 2023
How Can I Lower My Heating Bill This Winter? - A winter blizzard rages outside the back yard bay window where this small

Are you anticipating a higher heating bill this winter?

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What Are Furnace Filters?

January 16, 2023
A furnace filter being installed. What Are Furnace Filters?

It’s crucial to take proper care of your furnace—it provides your Albuquerque home with the heat you need to stay warm.

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How Do I Know When I Need a New Furnace?

December 15, 2022
Image of someone working on a furnace. How Do I Know When I Need a New Furnace?

Furnaces are not designed to last forever, so it’s helpful to know when you should be replacing it. But how exactly will you know when it’s time?

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When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

November 15, 2022
Image of someone working on a furnace. When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

Your furnace plays the key role in keeping you warm in your Rio Rancho home, but even with routine maintenance, it does not last forever. Nobody wants to think about replacing any major household system, but it’s generally more cost effective to be proactive in your thinking about it.

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Is My Furnace Overheating?

February 11, 2022
Is My Furnace Overheating?

Just about any electrical appliance has the potential to overheat. Furnaces are no exception. As a homeowner, you need to take precautions to lower the risk of an overheated unit. You should also be wary of the associated symptoms, so you know when to take action. Remember, if your system gets too hot, you should keep a cool head and get your furnace taken care of right away.

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Video- Upgrade Your Furnace

December 16, 2021
Video- Upgrade Your Furnace|

Upgrade your furnace for increased energy efficiency and heating cost reduction.

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When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

November 15, 2021
When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

Your furnace plays the key role in keeping you warm in your Albuquerque home, but even with routine maintenance, it does not last forever. Nobody wants to think about replacing any major household system, but it’s generally more cost effective to be proactive in your thinking about it.

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How Can I Save Money on My Heating Bill This Winter?

December 10, 2020
Piggy bank on money concept for business finance

Is your energy bill too high in the winter? Are you looking for ways to cut costs? There are a number of simple things you can do at home to save money.

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What Are Signs I Need a New Furnace?

November 30, 2020
Multi Generation Family Watching TV Together In Living Room.

If you’d like a professional assessment of your current operation costs and the typical return on investment (ROI) of a new furnace, give our team at Williams Mechanical in Albuquerque, a call.

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7 Furnace Maintenance Tips

October 16, 2020
Furnace Maintenance

Need maintenance tips for your furnace? Our team wants to help you by providing the following furnace maintenance tips.

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Why Won’t My Furnace Stop Running?

February 14, 2020
Woman Looking Out Window

Is your Albuquerque home’s furnace running but it won’t ever stop? Our team has a list of several steps to take to help resolve this common heating issue.

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Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

January 11, 2020
Confused little kid thinking about this furnace.|Furnace Not Heating Entire Home

If your furnace seems to be producing heat inconsistently around your home, you’re not alone. Here are seven furnace problems that could be causing this.

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Why Does My Furnace Smell?

January 19, 2019
Woman Smelling Odor In Her Home|

If there is a strange smell coming from your furnace, treat it with caution. Learn some possible reasons for the foul odor and if it’s dangerous to inhale.

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